Mojo Ultimate Saltwater Bait - Shrimp
Fish eat shrimp… and fish… and squid… and lots more. Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out which bait to offer. Mojo Ultimate Saltwater Bait combines shrimp, fish, squid and other natural ingredients into a single offering. This is a pliable bait that may be wrapped around your hook to conceal it. Mold into a ball to sink faster in current, or flatten it out to match the drift of your chum. Unlike frozen baits, Mojo Ultimate is non-frozen, shelf stable and may be kept on the boat or in the tackle box for use at the perfect time. Bait stealing fish, such as Filefish have a difficult time picking Mojo Ultimate off the hook. This allows a better chance to reach the waiting gamefish farther back in the chum slick. Many of the ingredients in Mojo Ultimate are the same as Snapper Up Snapper Chum. These products fished in combination can be the secret to a day’s fishing success. Keep a pack or two with you whenever you are fishing. Great for fishing reefs, bays, docks and bridges. Excellent for Snapper, Sheepshead, and most other reef and ocean fish that eat shrimp, fish and squid! MADE IN USA
- No need for Jig Heads, bait is weighted and can be molded to adjust the sink rate.
- Made with shrimp, fish, squid and other powerful attractants.
- Moldable to hide the hook.
- Moldable to control drift rate.
- Resistant to Filefish and other species stealing your bait. Holds on hook well.
- Non-refrigerated and shelf-stable.
- Perfect to use with Snapper Up and Yellowtail Up Chums.
Directions for use: Mold one or more pieces around hook. Drift back in current with as little weight as necessary. Bait resembles a naturally drifting piece of shrimp/fish/squid with powerful attractants. Use Snapper up and Yellowtail Up as chum to get fish close to your fishing location. Drift bait into chumslick. Flatten bait to slow drift. Shape into a ball to increase sink rate.
- Fishing Style:
- Pier Fishing
- Fishing Style:
- Bay Fishing
- Fishing Style:
- Deep Sea Fishing
- Fishing Style:
- Inshore Fishing
- Fishing Style:
- Lake Fishing
- Fishing Style:
- River Fishing